When should I register my trademark?
Timing is everything, and this is especially true when it comes to trademark registration. Choosing to trademark your brand at the right time is much more important than you would think.
The ® symbol, often represented as a circled capital "R," stands for "registered trademark." It is used to indicate that a particular word, phrase, logo, or symbol has been officially registered with the appropriate government authority as a trademark or service mark.
The purpose of the ® symbol is to provide notice to the public that the associated mark is protected by trademark law and that its unauthorized use may result in legal consequences. It serves as a deterrent against infringing on someone else's registered trademark and helps the trademark owner establish their exclusive rights to the mark.
When can I start using the trademark symbol on our products?
What's the difference between a trademark, a patent and a copyright?
What's better - registering the name or logo as a trademark?
How can I overcome the "merely descriptive" refusal from the USPTO?
Is there any additional fee not accounted for in the final price for trademark registration?
Could going through WIPO cause any issues for our global trademark registration?
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.